What to Expect

All-age Worship

10:30 am Sunday Mornings

Our Morning Services are a great time to worship with fellow believers and be encouraged through the sermon to live our lives according to the Bible. Our worship is contemporary and we encourage everyone to worship according to your preference.

Children are ALWAYS encouraged to attend the All-age worship service at 10:30 am.
Our First KIDS Children's Church is available during most services for the following groups:
Sunlight Kids (ages 1 & 2)
Preschool (ages 3 - grade K)
Elementary* (grades 1 - 5)
*First Kids Elementary classes do not meet on Communion Sunday (2nd Sunday of the month).
A Nursing Nook and a Quiet Room are both available for Mother's of infants during services.

Our current services are 1  1/2  hours long and include: Announcements, Worship, Prayer, and The Message followed by a Pastoral Blessing.

Family Night

Wednesday Evening at 6:30 pm

Our adult service in the auditorium studies a Biblical topic in an open discussion format as we discuss how to apply it to our lives and encourage one another in our Christian walk.

Our Children and Youth attend Girls Ministries and Royal Rangers Clubs.